PAL studies recently published in VRÜ/World Comparative Law were featured on a symposium of the blog maintained by the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL).

The blog was relaunched in 2018 with four goals: providing a meeting place for constitutionalists around the world; cultivating conversations on constitutional law developments; ensuring a focus on all regions of the world; and enhancing IACL's networks and partnerships.
The symposium featured 6 posts. An intro by Fabio de Sa e Silva; reports on Brazil (by Raquel Pimenta and Marta Machado), South Africa (by Dennis Davis), and the US (by Rick Abel); and two cross-cutting posts with broader reflections on autocratic legalism in light of PAL findings by Kim Lane Scheppele and Fabio de Sa e Silva.
PAL contributors are thankful to the space provided by the IACL blog and look forward to feedback from their thoughtful readership!