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Roundtable on Resistance to Authoritarianism and Autocratic Legalism

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

Tuesday, April 12, 2022 12:00-1:30pm CST

Hybrid Event: University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School, Room 7200

Register on Zoom to join virtually

Today we are seeing a new wave of authoritarianism and the erosion of legal protections for human rights, civil liberties and democracy. In the US, Europe and the Global South, autocrats and would-be autocrats seek to undermine democratic institutions and weaken constitutional protections, often by misuse of legal institutions. These efforts at authoritarianism and autocratic legalism are meeting resistance from within the countries and from the global community. In this Roundtable, experts will discuss the autocratic challenge and resistances to it in Europe, the US, Latin America by both domestic and global institutions and actors.


Co-Chairs: Alexandra Huneeus and David Trubek, UW Law School

Kim Lane Scheppele — Princeton University

Bojan Bugaric—University of Sheffield

Rob Yablon–UW Law School

Raquel Pimenta– Fundação Getulio Vargas, São Paulo

Rachael Meade–Boston University


Global Legal Studies Center, Human Rights Program, Center for German and European Studies, Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS), Project on Autocratic Legalism (PAL) and Transnational Efforts to Combat Authoritarianism (TRECA).

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